Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cuvinte potrivite...

Am realizat ca nimic in lumea asta nu e pe deplin cinstit sau rusinos, drept sau nedrept, placut sau dureros, bun sau rau. Totul este relativ. Singura, parerea noastra da lucrurilor o insusire sau alta, asa cum sarea da gust bucatelor. E important ca in comportamentul nostru fata de cineva, sa nu ne luam argumente din parerile altcuiva despre aceea persoana.
Ura e o boala, o stare sufleteasca de care mori daca n-o vindeci. Nu exista ceva mai odios in lume decat sa-mprastii ura. Iar daca oamenii pot gandi atata murdarie despre un om, acest gand este un simptom al murdariei din ei. Cei slabi adesea recurg la violenta. Dar violenta este refugiul incompetentilor. Puterea celui cu adevarat puternic astfel se manifesta: sa stii ca poti distruge pe cineva, sa nu o faci si acela sa nu stie. De aceea prefer sa-mi iert dusmanii. Pentru ca roata se intoarce. Pentru ca viata e un ciclu. Ai grija ce-i doresti cuiva pentru ca totul, odata, cand te astepti mai putin, se intoarce impotriva ta ca un bumerang. Nu am facut niciodata rau cuiva in mod deliberat. Am ajuns la concluzia ca imi e imposibil sa urasc. Asta e unul dintre cele mai mari pacate ale mele. Poate uneori sunt prea naiva. Urasc minciunile pentru ca ne complica viata in mod inutil. Nu zic ca nu am mintit niciodata, recunosc, ar fi imposibil, dar asta nu inseamna ca gasesc placere in a o face.
Revelatia unirii desavarsite aceasta e: te regasesti pe tine in clipa in care te pierzi. Si m-am regasit. Si o iau de la capat si am incredere ca totul va fi bine. La fel ca un adevarat herpetolog, prin administratea unor "doze" constante de "venin", am devenit oarecum imuna la rautatea din jurul meu. Si ma simt bine!

P.S.: Postarea mea a fost inspirata de diverse fragmente dintr-o varietate de opere- fragmente care m-au impresionat si care mi-au dat de gandit ca poate nu am actionat corect pana acum. Zic.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Images from Bucharest :D

So...these are some images from Bucharest :

I can't wait to go to University!

Well, well, well, times is passing rapidly and in one month, more or less, I am moving to Bucharest. i will move in with my boyfriend so I'm really excited. The city has its charm and I look forward to becoming part of it. Bucharest has its ups and downs, indeed, like any other city, I have to be fair.

On the one hand, there are really beautiful and quiet parks, perfect for studying or just strolling. The diversity of people one meets there is also amazing : all kinds of nationalities mixed together, each one with its charm : English, French,Americans Swedish people, Turkish people, etc. It is all like a huge puzzle who looks wonderfully when assembled. The numerous clothing stores is a huge plus as far as I'm concerned. I'm not saying that my city does not have a lot of shops but still, it can't compare to Bucharest. Last week I went there and to my surprise I ran into some really sweet shops and I bought a dress, a t-shirt and a waist-belt with only 10 $ in total. That's a real bargain for me.

On the other hand, the rent is kind of expensive, I'll pay 250 euros for a one-room flat. Another problem is the fact that there are a lot of thieves so I'll have to pay a lot of attention not to get robbed or something. Bucharest is kind of dangerous but I hope I'll make it.

What matters most to me is that I'll study there exactly what I have always wanted to study!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Don't copy if you can't paste!

A popular motivational speaker was entertaining his audience. He said, 'The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn't my wife!'

The audience was in silence and shock. The speaker added, '... And that woman was my mother!' Laughter and applause.

A week later, a top manager trained by the motivational speaker tried to crack this very effective joke at home. He was a bit tipsy after a drink, and he said loudly, 'The greatest years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who was not my wife!'

His wife went red with shock and rage.

Standing there for 20 seconds trying to recall the second half of the joke, the manager finally blurted out '... And I can't remember who she was!'

Moral of the story: Don't copy if you can't paste!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Vanuatu - Islands of fire

So was the name of the ninth season of the show Survivor. Vanuatu - islands of fire. Well, they sure did lit a fire in my heart, a passion for their culture. I fell in love with the landscapes and I must admit it, I want to get there someday and I will do anything possible to succeed. Maybe in my honeymoon, if I'm lucky. Until then, let me show you this sweet paradise.

Who am I and what I want

Probably you may think that I created this blog for a specific reason. You're wrong. So wrong. I created it just because. I hope it will turn up right. If it is interesting or not, you free to decide. If you like it, come back soon, if you don't, just click the "x" in the right- upper corner of the page. As this is my first post, I'll give you more information about me. I'm 19 and I'm interested in photography, photo manipulation, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and in fact all foreign languages and last but not least I'm interested in everything connected with Vanuatu. I hope I will get there someday. I really do. I may post some pictures of some landscapes there, sometime. And that's about it for now. Bye-Bye!